René Descartes, 1596-1650
- Selected Correspondence, 1619-1650 (PDF, 1,225kb)
(Mobi, 3,595kb)
- Letters written in 1619-37 (PDF, 418kb)
- Letters written in 1638-40 (PDF, 428kb)
- Letters written in 1641-44 (PDF, 404kb)
- Letters written in 1645-50 (PDF, 413kb)
- Brief Notes on the Individuals Mentioned (PDF, 46kb)
Discourse on the Method, 1637 (PDF, 174kb)(Epub, 966kb)(Mobi, 1,910kb) Meditations on First Philosophy, 1641 (PDF, 193kb) (Mobi, 1,921kb) Preliminaries (PDF, 81kb)Meditations 1 and 2 (PDF, 81kb)
Meditations 1 and 2 – 32 minutes
Meditations 3 and 4 (PDF, 107kb)
Meditation 3 – 35 minutes
Meditation 4 – 21 minutes
Meditations 5 and 6 (PDF, 91kb)
Meditations 5 and 6 – 49 minutes
Objections to the Meditations, and Descartes' Replies, 1642 (PDF, 813kb) (Mobi, 2,759kb) First and Second Sets (PDF, 249kb)Third and Fourth Sets (PDF, 247kb)Fifth Set (Gassendi) (PDF, 351kb)Sixth Set (PDF, 141kb)Correspondence with Princess Elisabeth, 1643-9 (PDF, 419kb) (Mobi, 2,291kb) Letters written in 1643-4 (PDF, 132kb)Letters written in 1645 (PDF, 205kb)Letters written in 1646 (PDF, 139kb)Letters written in 1647-9 (PDF, 144kb)Principles of Philosophy, 1644 (PDF, 362kb) (Mobi, 2167kb) Part 1 (PDF, 152kb)Part 2 (PDF, 144kb)Part 3 (PDF, 122kb)Part 4 (PDF, 110kb)Conversation with Burman, 1648 (PDF, 177kb)(Epub, 959kb)(Mobi, 1,918kb) Passions of the Soul, 1649 (PDF, 339kb) (Mobi, 2,133kb) Part 1 (articles 1-50) (PDF, 160kb)Part 2 (articles 51-148) (PDF, 205kb)Part 3 (articles 149-212) (PDF, 156kb)