Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, 1646-1716
- Freedom and Possibility, 1680 (PDF, 63kb)
(Epub, 872kb)(Mobi, 1,599kb)
- Meditations on Knowledge, Truth, and Ideas, 1684 (PDF, 60kb)
(Epub, 879kb)(Mobi, 1,619kb)
- Leibniz's Correspondence with Arnauld, 1686-7 (PDF, 447kb)
(Mobi, 2,116kb)
- Items 1-7 (PDF, 191kb)
- Items 8-15 (PDF, 207kb)
- Items 16-20 (PDF, 207kb)
Contingency, 1686 (PDF, 74kb)(Epub, 867kb)(Mobi, 1,577kb) First Truths, 1686 (PDF, 72kb)(Epub, 869kb)(Mobi, 1,589kb) Discourse on Metaphysics, 1686 (PDF, 173kb)(Epub, 911kb)(Mobi, 1,759kb)
Discourse 1-13 – 36 minutes
Discourse 14-25 – 39 minutes
Discourse 26-37 – 37 minutes
Real-Life Dialogue on Human Freedom and the Origin of Evil, 1695 (PDF, 64kb)(Epub, 884kb)(Mobi, 1,644kb) Essay on Dynamics, 1695 (PDF, 135kb)(Epub, 891kb)(Mobi, 1,684kb) A New System, 1695 (PDF, 74kb)(Epub, 875kb)(Mobi, 1,609kb) Leibniz's Exchange of Views with Pierre Bayle, 1697-1702 (PDF, 240kb) (Mobi, 1,824kb) Relating to Bayle's Note H (PDF, 124kb)Relating to Bayle's Note L (PDF, 181kb)The Ultimate Origin of Things, 1697 (PDF, 57kb)(Epub, 875kb)(Mobi, 1,609kb) Nature Itself, 1698 (PDF, 94kb)(Epub, 878kb)(Mobi, 1,624kb) New Essays on Human Understanding, 1705
(Epub, 1,282kb) (Mobi, 3,331kb)
- Book 1 (PDF, 200kb)
- Book 2 (PDF, 518kb)
- Chapters i-xix (PDF, 204kb)
- Chapters xx-xxi (PDF, 214kb)
- Chapters xxii-xxxiii (PDF, 222kb)
- Book 3 (PDF, 247kb)
- Book 4 (PDF, 443kb)
- Chapters i-vi (PDF, 182kb)
- Chapters vii-xii (PDF, 186kb)
- Chapters xiii-xxi (PDF, 189kb)
Making the Case for God, 1710 (PDF, 142kb)(Epub, 897kb)(Mobi, 1,720kb) Principles of Nature and Grace, 1714 (PDF, 76kb)(Epub, 884kb)(Mobi, 1,640kb) Monadology, 1714 (PDF, 94kb)(Epub, 880kb)(Mobi, 1,638kb) Leibniz's Exchange of Papers with Clarke, 1715-6 (PDF, 383kb) (Mobi, 2,047kb) Exchanges 1-4 (PDF, 210kb)Exchanges 5-6 (PDF, 233kb)