The main ones:

Analytic-Synthetic”, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society n.s. 59 (1958-9), 163-88.

Moral Argument”, Mind 69 (1960), pp. 544-9.

A Myth about Logical Necessity”, Analysis 21 (1960-61), pp. 59-63.

On Being Forced to a Conclusion”, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, suppl. vol. 35 (1961), pp. 15-34.

‘Real’”, Mind 75 (1966), pp. 501-15.

Entailment”, Philosophical Review 78 (1969), pp. 197-236.

The Difference Between Right and Left”, American Philosophical Quarterly 7 (1970), pp. 175-91.

Shooting, Killing, Dying”, Canadian Journal of Philosophy 2 (1973), pp. 315-23..

The Meaning-Nominalist Strategy”, Foundations of Language 10 (1973), pp. 141-68.

The Conscience of Huckleberry Finn”, Philosophy 49 (1974), pp. 123-34.

Philosophy and Mr Stoppard”, Philosophy 50 (1975), pp. 5-18.

Stimulus, Response, Meaning”, American Philosophical Quarterly monograph no. 9 (1975), pp. 55-88.

On Maximizing Happiness”, in R. Sikora and B. Barry (eds), Obligations to Future Generations (Temple University Press: Philadelphia, 1978), pp. 61-73..

Commentary on three papers about animal cognition”, Behavioral and Brain Sciences 1 (1978), pp. 557-60.

Accountability (II)”, in M. McKenna and P. Russell eds., Free Will and Reactive Attitudes: Perspectives on P. F. Strawson’s ‘Freedom and Resentment’ (Ashgate, 2008), pp. 47-68.

Morality and Consequences”, the Tanner Lectures on Human Values, delivered at Brasenose College, Oxford, May 1980.

‘Even If’”, Linguistics and Philosophy 5 (1982), pp. 403-417.

Wisdom and Analytical Philosophy”, comments on a paper by Richard Rorty, Analyse und Kritik 4 (1982), pp. 96-101.

Positive and Negative Relevance”, American Philosophical Quarterly 20 (1983), pp. 185-94.

Intellectual Codes”, comments on a paper by David Premack, Behavioral and Brain Sciences 6 (1983), pp. 139-141

Cognitive Ethology: Theory or Poetry?”, comments on a paper by Daniel Dennett, Behavioral and Brain Sciences 6 (1983), pp. 356-358.

Counterfactuals and Temporal Direction”, Philosophical Review 93 (1984), pp. 57-91.

Identity and Cardinality: Geach and Frege” (with W.P. Alston), Philosophical Review 93 (1984), pp. 553-67.

Critical notice of Davidson’s Inquiries into Truth and Interpretation Mind 94 (1985), pp. 601-26.

Review of The Shorter Pepys, in The NZ Listener 1986.

Preface to second edition of Rationality, 1986.

In the Tradition of Kantotle” (review of Grice Festschrift), Times Literary Supplement 1986.

Event Causation: the Counterfactual Analysis”, Philosophical Perspectives 1 (1987), pp. 367-386.

Thoughtful Brutes”, APA Eastern Division Presidential Address, APA Proceedings 62 (1988), pp. 197-210.

Quotation”, Noûs 22 (1988), pp. 399--418.

Thoughts about Thoughts”, Behavioral and Brain Sciences 11 (1988), pp. 246-7.

Two Departures from Consequentialism”, Ethics 100 (1989), pp. 54--66.

How is Cognitive Ethology Possible?”, in Carolyn A. Ristau (ed), Cognitive Ethology: the Minds of Other Animals (Lawrence Erlbaum: Hillsdale, NJ, 1990), pp. 35-49. .

Why is Belief Involuntary?”, Analysis 50 (1990), pp. 87-107.

How to Read Minds in Behaviour: a Suggestion from a Philosopher”, in A. Whiten (ed.), Natural Theories of Mind: Evolution, Development and Simulation of Everyday Mindreading (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1991), pp. 97-108.

How do Gestures Succeed?”, in E. LePore and R. Van Gulick (eds), Searle and his Critics (Cambridge, MA: Blackwell, 1991), pp. 3-15.

Folk-Psychological Explanations”, in John D. Greenwood (ed), The Future of Folk Psychology (Cambridge University Press, 1991), pp. 176-95.

Analysis Without Noise”, in Radu Bogdan (ed), Mind and Common Sense (Cambridge University Press, 1991), pp. 15-36.

Précis of Events and their Names and Replies to Reviewers, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 51, (1991), pp. 647-662.

The Necessity of Moral Judgments”, Ethics 103 (1993), pp. 458-472.

Negation and Abstention: Two Theories of Allowing”, Ethics 104 (1993), pp. 75-96.

Comments on Dennett from a Cautious Ally”, Behavioral and Brain Sciences 16 (1993), pp. 381-5.

The ‘Namely’ Analysis of the ‘By’-locution”, Linguistics and Philosophy 17 (1994), pp. 29-51.

Improving Academic Writing” (with Samuel Gorovitz), Teaching Philosophy 20 (1997), pp. 105-120.

Conditionals and Explanations”, in Fact and Value: Essays on Ethics and Metaphysics for Judith Jarvis Thomson, edited by Alex Byrne, Robert Stalnaker, and Ralph Wedgwood (Cambridge, MA: M.I.T. Press), pp. 1-26.

What Events Are”, in The Blackwell Guide to Metaphysics, edited by Richard M. Gale (Blackwell, 2002), pp. 43-65.

Time in Human Experience”, Philosophy 79 (2004), pp. 165-83.

Lewis on Time-Travel”, In H. Beebee & A.R.J. Fisher (eds), Perspectives on the Philosophy of David K. Lewis, Oxford: OUP 2022, 260–8.

Punishment” (2001), unpublished. (The best article I ever wrote; turned down by the journal Ethics.)

Looking Back over Forty-Five years of Work”, in Ouyang Kang and S. Fuller (eds), Academic Self-Statements of Contemporary British and American Distinguished Philosophers (Beijing: People’s Press, 2009).

About 30 reviews in The Journal of Symbolic Logic 1956-1974.